Systems Certificates for All Students - Undergraduate and Graduate options


Tackling complex challenges to move the world forward is the motto of the Purdue Systems Collaboratory. 

The Purdue Systems Collaboratory is eager to equip the next generation of systems thinkers with the tools and approaches for tackling the world’s complex challenges – to move our world… forward.

Learn more about Purdue’s Systems Certificates and Systems (SYS) Courses

  • Systems thinking skills are widely applied all over the globe by companies, governments, and communities. 
  • Solving today’s complex socio-technical problems requires a holistic perspective and convergence of knowledge. 


The World Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs 2023 report lists Systems Thinking in the Top 10 skills on the rise, - skills predicted to grow in importance over the next five years.

The Purdue Systems Certificate allows students to prove to themselves and to employers, that they possess the skills necessary to thrive in the coming years, no matter the field or college major. 

There is an Undergraduate Systems Certificate and a Graduate Systems Certificate.
